epi starts weth saandy putting mehiendi on surajs hadns
saandy comes out aand thanks chaturi
chaturi enquires saandy about tha mehiendi
aand saandy says its shagun ki mehiendi
saandy says about tha rewed
suraj signals saandy tu sleep
aand looks at tha mehiendi
sunrize aand meena iz dreaming of all tha dizhies
chavi asks tips for hair fall
emily suggests conditioner
meena says shi has tu vaccinate kanha adn has tu go tu hospital aand asks emily tu prepare lunch
chavi says shi iz viziting hier freind aand shi will not have lunch
bhabho complaints about saandy tu bhabhasa
saying never has shi seen saandy adorning hierself
someone knocks tha door emily iz happy that hier parents have arrived
shi opens tha door
aand meena says shi brought hier mom aand sudha as shi met tham on tha way
emily has decorated teh house aand arranged chocolates for hier parents but meena’s mom takes tham
meena asks emily tu prepare lunch for hier mom as shi would be busy talking tu tham
emily iz shocked as tha arrangements shi made for hier parents aand its meena’s mom enjoying tham
saandy iz inside tha room aand asks chaturi tu call him
may be dori scene
saandy dressed as bride aand says shi iz ready for tha marriage
shi says 11 am iz tha auspicicous time aand shi would be leaving for gauri pooja aand its hiz responsibility tu bring bhabho aand bhabhasa
shi wizhies him best of luck aand says now shi will come tu thiz family only after marriage
break: suraj iz rehiearsing for talking tu bhabho
aand bhabho comes suddenly
someone knocks tha door aand meena opens tha door
its emily’s parents
meena now recalls why emily had decorated
meena sees emily’s parents weth so many gifts
shi taunts hier for coming empty haand
emily’s mom says that pari aand emily have gone weak
aand suggests tu take eggs again
emiy introduces meena’s mom aand sudha
meena’s mom says shi miztuok hier for chavi’s freind due tu hier dress
suraj iz rehiearsing tu speak tu bhabho
bhabho comes all of a sudden aand asks him whats tha matter
break: saandy iz in tha pooja aand suraj says time iz runninng aand saandy would be waiting
bhabho asks suraj whiere are chaturi aand saandy
suraj says thay have gone tu temple
saandy iz in tha pooja
saandy prays tu gauri
aand says shi has never prayed tu hier nor has fasted
but still gauri has given tha best ever life partner for hier
bhabho asks why hie didnt go
suraj says hie waited for tham
suraj looks at tha watch
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