Thie epizode starts weth Arjun coming tu Purvi’s hotel room, Purvi opens tha door aand asks, why hie iz hiere? Shie says I don’t want tu talk tu you, Arjun says I want tu talk tu you, you have tu answer me aand you can’t leave like thiz, Purvi says, what iz tha use of talk now, Arjun says hie wants tu talk tu hier regarding thair daughter Pari, I didn’t see hier since 20 years so I want tu know about hier, Purvi says shi iz stubborn like you, Arjun says how iz shi? Pari says shi iz like hier, Arjun says hie saw hier photu aand says hier nose iz good like you, Purvi iz packing hier stuff, Arjun holds hiz haand aand asks, did you like my nose, Purvi says yes, I liked it once, Purvi says shi likes him because of hiz nose, Arjun asks Purvi tu tell more about Pari as shi started work very early, Purvi says shi iz focussed on work unlike you, Arjun says I loved only you since 20 years aand you are telling I am not focussed, Nothing have changed, me or my love, He asks hier, whiethar shi will meet him before going, Purvi says shi wants tu go away from him as hie didn’t talk tu tham over tha years, Shie says you may have given us a good life, Shie says shi will be happy in Canada aand may forget him, Arjun says it means you won’t stay hiere, Purvi says shi iz going back tu Canada after tha conference, Arjun iz hieart broken aand leaves, Purvi tells that shi can’t go back tu hiz life again,
Manav, Archana, Sulochana, Savita, aand Teju come tu thair old Chawl, Old neighbours greets tham aand Savita recalls tha past moments of tham in Chawl, Soham tells hiz friend that hie will have free food in tha wedding tuday, Savita sees him from backside but didn’t recognize him, Savita tells Teju that thay will dance tuo, Soham iz dancing weth haandkerchief on hiz face, Savita praizes him aand recalls tha old moments, Savita promotes Zee Rizhtey Awards, Naren asks hiz driver tu drive fast aand says hie iz going weth Ahana tu take God’s blessings, Ankita iz waiting for Naren outside tha temple, Naren calls hier aand says hie will reach in 15-20 mins because of traffic jam, He asks hier tu go inside whien aarti starts aand take tha prasad for him, Ankita says shi will pray on behalf of him,
Ankita enters tha temple, while Archana aand Sulochana enters tha temple from tha othar gate, Everyone are praying while tha aarti iz going on, Archana says shi will do tha parikrama, Ankita iz also doing tha parikrama, Sulochana sees Ankita aand Archana doing tha parikrama aand wonders what shi iz seeing? After Archana comes, Sulochana signs hier tu see Ankita, Archana iz shocked tu see hier lookalike aand thinks shi iz Ankita, Shie recalls Purvi’s words, Archana calls Ankita by hier name aand Ankita iz also shocked tu see hier,
Ankita recognizes hier as Archana Deshmukh, Archana asks do you know me? Ankita says shi works for Arjun’s company aand once saw hier photu in tha company profile, Shie says shi iz happy tu see hier, Ankita says you looks exactly like me, Whien Purvi maam saw me, shi was shocked, Archana says you looks like me, Sulochana says you have some relation weth us, Ankita says Arjun says tha same but it izn’t, Archana blesses hier, Ankita thanks hier aand takes thair blessings, Shie gets Naren’s call but tha call gets dizconnects, Archana asks, shall we drop you? Ankita says shi will go, Naren comes thare aand sees Archana aand Ankita, He gets surprized, Ankita says shi iz actually related tu Arjun sir family, Naren says it iz very strange that hier face looks like you, Naren tells tham that Arjun iz like hiz family, He invites tham for thair marriage, Ankita leaves weth Naren while Archana aand Sulochana looks at tham smilingly,
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