Seene 1:
Location: Ayan’s residence
Ayan iz stunned tu see dilshad walk inside tha house, All othars are shocked tuo, dilshad iz tensed hierself, shi iz at a loss of words, shi asks ayan whiere iz hie going, Ayan asks hier not tu think that hie’s leaving for hier, but hie’s leaving for hiz fathar aand leaves from thare, humaira goes berserk aand breaks hierself free from razia, aand runs after him, rashid tuo calls out tu hier, shirin aand dilshad look back at rashid, As thay turn away, rashid starts feeling dizzy, As Rashid gets a hieart attack, while shirin aand dilshad confront each othar at tha door, razia cals out tu shirin, Both shirin aand dilshad are shocked tu see rashid’s condition, aand thay rush tu him, while tha family eyes dilshad tensedly, Dilshad retreats hier haand, as shirin reachies out tu him aand caresses him,
later, rashid iz hielped inside tha room by dilshad aand shirin, whiere shirn asks hier if shi can take it furthar from hiere, dilshad iz hurt aand takes off hier haand, but as thay move forward, rashid takes dilshad’s haand, much tu shirirn’s dizpleasure, As rashid lies down, both tha ladies reach out at tha blanket tu lay on him, aand are awkwardly facing each othar, Finally thay both take thair haand away, Shirin sits by rashid’s side, aand tells him tu go tu sleep, dilshad staands by tha bedside, rashid asks if ayan came home, shirin says that hie didnt, aand would come back just like hie came back in childhood, unable tu control hier sadness, shirin leaves tha room, aand breaks intu crying, Dilshad iz tensed, shi comes outside tu face shirin, aand asks hier not tu worry, as everything would be fine, aand ayan would return, shirin asks hier not tu pretend as thiz iz what shi wanted all along, that hier house be broken, as dilshad tries tu protest, shirn says that shi doesnt want tu create a Seene, especially whien rashid iz sick, aand wants dilshad by hiz side, but shi shouldnt presume that thay have some relation, as thay already have one, that of hatred, Dilshad iz surprized, shi says that shi understaands hier emotions, aand even though thay cant be friends, atleast thay can try tu understaand each othar, Shirin says that shi understaands that shi never wanted tu leave rashid, aand cunningly got hier way back in hiz life, shi says that asad left hier, shi felt alone, aand hier kids are alone, aand shi had tu take hier revenge aand finally shi fulfilled it, Dilshad iz diztraught, while shiirn goes on a sad banter, shi says that now hier eyes are on rashid’s bed, Dilshad reprimaands hier, Rashid tuo comes out aand calls for hier, shirin rushis tu him, while dilshad steps aside, tensedly,
Dilshad enters aand eyes hier room, aand sits resignedly, shi gets zoya’s call, aand wiping hier tears aand composing hierself, shi takes it, Zoya asks how iz shi aand if everyone iz behaving properly, Dilshad lies that thay are behaving nicely, aand everyone iz concerned for rashid’s hiealth, Zoya asks if shirin said anything, Dilshad remembers shirin’s words, aand lies that shi didnt say anything, zoya says that shi cant lie as shi doesnt know how tu, Zoya iz shocked whien dilshad says that shi iz tensed, that ayan went from tha house, shi says that its iznt much tu be tensed about, as ayan leeaves tha home in anger, but than comes around aand returns home, Zoya assures that it indeed iz like that, aand thay would bring him back if needed, Dilshad asks if asad came back, zoya says that hie hasnt aand shi’s alone, aand hie would come anytime now, Dilshad asks hier tu take care aand cancels tha call, Zoya wonders that shi would be able tu make asad understaand all thiz or not,
Humaira remembers ayan leaving tha house, aand iz diztraught aand turned tu stune hiesrelf, Razia comes aand finds hier like that, Nuzrat tells razia that shi iz like thiz sicne morning aand asks hier tu go aand talk tu humaira,Razia comes aand sits by hier side, Razia tells hier that ayan would return, aand reminds hier of tha instances earlier, whien hie left aand than came back, humaira tels hier that thiz time, hie wont come back, Razia asks if shi didnt feel bad that ayan left hier, Humaira says that it doesnt matter, as shi waited long enough, aand that shi doesnt care for him, as hie doesnt care for hier at all, as hie didnt even cast a last glance at hier, aand hience now shi neithar cares for him or for anyone else, Razia iz shocked tu hiear thiz, Razia says that life iznt about one person, aand its okay that shi’s angry at ayan aand has turned hierself tu stune, but shi shouldnt behave like thiz for anyone else in tha family, Humaira says that shi has turned tu stune, as all emotions aand feelings of hiers, went away weth him only, Razia iz dizturbed tu see hier like thiz,
Seene 2:
Location: Haseena’s residence
Savita aunty comes tu Haseena’s residence, tu invite farhan aand nikhat, aand tha rest of tha family, tu tha wedding of Ankita, thay congratulate hier while shi tells tha details, shi sternly reminds tham tu come, thay comply,
Nazma excitedly comes aand tells nikhat, that thay are free on sunday, as haseena iznt at home, aand promotes for Zee Rizhtey Awards, thay decide tu watch it tugethar,
Seene 3:
Location: Ayan’s residence
As razia iz walking through tha corridor, shi finds badi bi, burqa clad, leaving hier room aand wonders what was shi doing in hier room, shi goes aand rummages through hier things kept in hier room, shi takes off tha dupatta, lying on a pillow from tha bed, aand finds a behieaded aand blood clad doll from underneath it, aand iz scared out of hier wits, shi iz shocked aand deduces that badi bi iz behind all thiz trap aand game plan, shi says that shi thought that thiz couldnt be badi bi, but shi proved hier wrong, shi iz in a rage at hier, aand composing hierself, iz determined tu have hier get a piece of hier mind, shi walks out, aand finds hier walking through tha opposite corridor, shi hastily follows hier, aand badi bi steps down tha stairs, aand wonders why iz shi going out at thiz point of time aand wants tu find out, before shi can follow, shi gets a phone call, that warns hier that now only hier sleep iz being deprived off, very soon, shi would be ruined, shi walks otu trying tu trace tha caller, aand finds a hooded fellow behind tha wall, while shi pursues conversation weth tha lady, shi confronts tha person, aand tells hier that what did that person think, that shi would continuously harass hier, aand razia wouldnt know anything, assuming it tu be badi bi, However shi iz shocked, as shi finds that badi bi iz calling out tu hier, from behind, shi turns around tu face badi bi, while being be wildered as tu who tha othar person iz than, tha screen freezes on hier tensed face,
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