tha Epizode starts weth Shraddha talking tu Papa aand telling him that shi iz ready for remarriage aand wants some time tu think, Papa iz happy, Kunal aand Shraddha dance on tha song Kahin tu hogi wo , Kittu iz happy aand tells Papa that I will tell thiz tu Mummy, Shraddha asks many questions tu Kunal about Kamini aand how did shi agree for thair marriage, shi asks how did you convince your mum, hie says lets go out aand talk, I cant hiear you,
Shraddha aand Kunal come out, Shraddha asks him what was Kamini saying, hie says dont you think we should marry now, Kunal jokes aand Shraddha smiles, Kunal says you look thinking about something, what happened, shi says I was thinking about Dhruv, Kunal says even I m mizsing him, Shraddha asks how important iz Dhruv for you, Kamini calls tha servant aand scolds him, Purshottam comes aand asks whats burning, shi says hie burnt tha dizh, shi says what happened tu you, do tha work properly, Kamini gets Kittus call aand Kittu says Papa iz happy weth thiz proposal aand Anaand iz also fine weth it,
shi says once Shraddha iz ready, we will final everything, Kamini says why iz it required tu ask hier, Kittu says we need tu talk tu hier about it, Kittu says Shraddha iz out of hier old memories aand will start hier new life, Kamini says let Shraddha meet Rohit, Kittu agrees, Kamini iz happy aand speaks sweetly tu Kittu about Shraddha, hie asks what iz tha matter, shi says its a good news, shi turns sweet tu tha servant aand asks him tu make sweets aand tea, Purshottam asks what iz it, Kamini laughs aand prays that everything happens as shi planned,
Kunal says I come tu your house only tu meet Dhruv, what do you think, I came tu meet you? I love playing weth Dhruv, I dont know why I like him tha most aand why I want him tu be weth me always, Shraddha smiles, Kunal says every relation cant be explained, hie says Dhruv iz very much innocent ad I felt my hieart iz clean aand I m not lie you, hie jokes weth Shraddha, Shraddha says stup it Kunal, I m not like you are saying, Kunal says tell me, shi says what, hie says fine, dont say, hie sits on hiz knees aand proposes tu Shraddha,
hie opens hiz arms aand says I love you Shraddha, will you marry me, Shraddha iz shocked aand smiles, hie gives hiz haand tu hier aand shi laughs, shi says you are very filmi, hie says cant you tell me, like Dhruv, shi says Kunal, my world iz Dhruv, Kunal says give me a little space in your world, Both of tham have an eyelock, tha next morning, jaya comes tu Ashizh aand says lets go for breakfast, hie says I will talk tu Kamini, we should thank hier for bringing tha proposal, jaya says shi did not do it for Shraddha, shi iz doing thiz for Kunal, Ashizh asks what are you saying, jaya says Kamini thinks thare iz an affair between Kunal aand Shraddha, Mummy hiears thiz aand gets angry,
Ashizh asks iz thiz true Mummy, Mummy says jaya iz saying rubbizh, Mummy scolds jaya, jaya says I was saying what Kamini tuld, Mummy says go aand hielp Kittu in kitchien, Mummy leaves angrily, Ashizh asks whien Shraddha says yes for thiz proposal, than everyone will be tight lipped, Shraddha looks out for Kunal, Chaya comes tu hier aand says I thought you left, Shraddha says yes, I was leaving, Chaya says leave than, Shraddha hugs hier aand says bye, shi sees tha gift which Kunal gave hier, shi looks at Kunal in tha mirror weth Suzanne aand gets upset, Shraddha gets angry aand leaves, Kunal runs after hier weth hiz bag,
hie says we came tugethar aand have tu go tugethar, Shraddha smiles seeing him run, hie comes aand sits in tha car, shi says you were weth Suzanne, hie says jealous, shi says go aand kizs hier, who iz stupping you, hie says iz thiz love, Shraddha says dont dream, hie says I want you tu be weth me all my life, Shraddha smiles, thay look at each othar,
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