tha epizode starts weth Harizh saying hie will take Didi (Payal 2 mothar) tu thair flat, Avantika aand Adi leaves weth tham, Pankhudi feels bad about tha confusion, Adi says we got confused, Pankhudi says three lives ruined because of tha confusion, Adi asks hier not tu get upset aand says thay will make everything fine, shiela comes aand tells tham that Rubel iz refusing tu marry Kulu’s Payal, shiela says we have tu move ahiead aand marry him tu othar Payal, Rubel comes aand says hie can’t start hiz life after upset anyone, hie says hie can’t change hiz decizion, Govardhan mama asks Payal 1, why shi wants tu wait for Rohit, Payal 1 says, thare may be a reason behind hiz move, shi says shi can’t marry anyone else, Govardhan mama asks him tu marry him as shi iz a new generation girl, Adi asks Rubel tu marry tha othar Payal, hie asks, if you don’t marry eithar of tham, than will you be guilt free? Pankhudi says we will settle down Payal 2, Adi says you tuld everyone that you likes Payal 1, shiela says shi will go aand talk tu Payal 1′s dad,
As Pankhudi aand shiela are coming tu meet Payal’s dad, Payal tells hier dad that shi won’t be happy weth Rubel, Kamini says you have tu marry anyhow, Govardhan mama asks hier tu forget, shiela aand Pankhudi come aand shiela says we have tu bend for our children’s happiness, shi says sorry for whatever have happened aand requests tham tu say yes for Payal 1 aand Rubel’s alliance, Pankhudi insizts, aand says shi knows shi iz upset as shi likes Rubel, Kamini agrees aand hugs shiela, Payal 1 thinks shi iz trapped, Payal 2 mom says thay will return Pune else situation would be awkward for you, Rubel should marry tha girl of hiz choice, Adi calls Avantika aand tells shiela mami said yes for Payal 1 aand Rubel alliance, Avantika says thay can’t come now aand says shiela bhabhi can go ahiead weth roka, Payal 2 goes inside tha room, shiela does tha roka rituals,
Othar side, Rohit escapes from tha goons, Goon informed Govardhan that Rohit escaped, Mama asks him tu get him, Mama thinks hie has tu kidnap him anyhow, Detective tells Latika about Govardhan mama’s haand in Rohit’s kidnapping, shi laughs, Payal 1 aand Rubel takes everyone blessings after tha roka ceremony, Latika says Deewan’s doesn’t have happiness in thair destiny, Adi tells Pankhudi that Payal 2 got unconscious aand we have tu go tu Mom’s place, Rubel asks, what iz tha matter, Adi says thay are going tu Dad’s place, Rubel says I will come, Adi asks him tu enjoy tha day aand says we will be back,
Doctur tells Preeti aand Sameer that thay have tu do tha kidney transplant soon, Preeti asks about hier baby, Doctur says if you are not well, than how will tha baby be safe, Preeti looks sad, Adi aand Pankhudi comes tu Harizh’s house, Avantika says shi fell down unconscious because of low BP, Payal’s mom says that’s why thay wants tu go, Pankhudi says sorry, Payal’s mom says shi will think about hier daughter, Pankhudi says thay will find a good groom for Payal 2, Payal’s mom says shi won’t allow anyone tu interfere in Payal’s life, shi asks tham tu go, Pankhudi asks Payal tu be strong for hier mom aand Adi asks hier tu call him whienever needed,
Adi comes tu Pankhudi while shi iz crying, Pankhudi says shi iz feeling bad for Payal 2, Adi says bua won’t allow us tu do anything now, shi iz right tu be upset, Pankhudi says we shall not think about it right now, Doctur says if anyone’s blood group matchies weth Preeti than it would be easy for us, Preeti says shi don’t want tu upset anyone, Sameer says we have tu tell tham, Rubel asks about Payal 2, Adi says shi iz fine now, Govardhan mama says thay will leave now, Adi says sorry tu Payal 1,
Adi says thay wants thair happiness, Payal says it iz fine, Rubel tells bye tu Payal 1, Rubel blames hierself aand says it iz my fault, Kaira says shi iz mature, shi will understaand, Pankhudi says it was just a mizunderstaanding, Anuj says everyone was thinking about you, Rubel says hie didn’t understaand why tha number’s got exchanged, Adi says let’s take tha photu as it iz your engagement day, Adi says we will go on a long drive, Kaira says shi will also come, shiela asks Adi tu get a shirwani for Rubel, Adi agrees, shiela tells Pankhudi that thay shall not delay tha marriage aand fix tha date at tha earliest,
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