Home » » Punar Vivaah 27th November 2013 Written Update

Punar Vivaah 27th November 2013 Written Update

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Raj’s mothar iz about tu throw tha car, but Raj comes thare aand shi puts it back in hier bag, hie asks hier what shi iz doing hiere whien shi said shi was ill, Hiz mothar says shi came tu market tu buy groceries, Raj than says hie iz going home aand hie will take hier, Hiz mothar says no saying shi will take an autu, but Raj takes hier weth him, shi gets worried whien Raj takes bag from hier,

Othar side, Vikrant aand Sarita come out of Vikrant’s house, Abhi apologizes tu Sarita as thay couldn’t find tha car, hie prays tu tha God tu hielp tham as him aand Vikrant can’t live wethout Sarita, Sarita says everything will be fine, After thay leave, someone calls someone,

thay come at Raj’s house aand tells everyone that thay couldn’t find tha car, Vikrant says that hie feels that tha killer iz right around tham,, liztening tu everything aand iz always one step ahiead of tham aand destroying all proofs before thay get tu tham, Raj’s fathar tells shiila tu bring lemon juice for Vikrant aand Sarita, shiila says shi will go tu market tu buy lemons, Raj says no need aand asks hier tu chieck hiz mothar’s bag, Raj’s mothar stups shiila from chiecking tha bag aand right than police arrive thare, Vikrant iz shocked, read full updates daily weth pictures only at desitv box,com Sarita tells him that shi won’t leave him until shi dies,, shi won him after many difficulties aand doesn’t want tu lose hiz support now, tha cop tells Vikrant that Sarita will definitely get punizhied, aand now along weth hier, Vikrant won’t be saved eithar as hie broke tha laws aand no matter how high one’s status hiz… everyone gets punizhied for breaking tha laws, Before police arrest tham, Sarita asks tham if shi can talk tu Abhi, thay give hier permizsion, Sarita gives Abhi tu Divya aand family aand says, I know you all will take good care of him aand will never let him mizs us, but still, Abhi says hie will pray tu tha God aand than shi will weth be tham, Sarita tells him tu take care of himself aand not tu bothar anyone, Raj’s mothar gets emotional, Raj than tells police that thay have proof that Sarita iz not tha killer aand thay are gatharing more proofs, Police tell him not tu interfere in thair work, Sarita tells police that thay are not doing right by separating a child from hiz mothar, tha cop asks tham tu go weth him, Sarita holds Vikrant’s haand aand thay both walk tugethar, Everyone gets emotional aand also feels guilty as thay couldn’t save Sarita,

Rohan informs hiz mothar about thiz, Hiz mothar says it’s all hier fault aand now shi will rectify hier miztake,, will tell tha lawyer that its all hier miztake, If shi can’t do anything for Vikrant aand Sarita, than shi won’t be able tu forgive hierself,

Sarita aand Vikrant are in a lockup, Sarita asks him what was tha need tu be a super hiero aand save hier, Vikrant just keeps smiling, hie than pulls hier tu him aand says, once I saved you,, so thiz time I thought you would save me by making me run away, Sarita says, really? aand how would I have done that? By riding a horse weth a gun? Thiz iz not a film, Thiz iz reality, Vikrant says, you love hindi films, than you should have come,, it would be so much fun,, we would be against lost in jungle… you would get hurt, than i would carry you,, we would have spent few more memorable moments,, aand for such moments,, we should make each othar run hundreds of times,, right? Sarita says, thiz iz not time tu romance,, it’s time tu get serious, We can only hope Raj aand Divya find tha right killer aand we can get out of thiz place, Vikrant says, I hope for tha same that thay find some proof because I won’t be able tu take care of Abhi wethout you,, nor myself, Both have eyelock, Sarita sleeps on hiz shoulder,

Raj’s mothar iz looking at tha car aand says, thiz iz tha only proof that can save Sarita, but it can also put me in trouble, I have responsibility of three sons,, shi says, I am sorry Sarita aand destroys tha car, Othar haand, Abhi iz praying aand hopes somehow hie gets tha recorder from hiz car, A chip flies out of Raj’s mum’s room aand shi doesn’t notice it, Divya iz coming out aand shi notices tha chip, Raj’s mothar cries aand says, please forgive me Sarita,, now no one can save you, Divya was about tu throw tha chip away, but than stups on tha last moment aand gets thoughtful,

Divya comes tu hier room tu chieck what’s in tha chip, It’s Karva Chauth night recording, shi watchies it aand hopes tu find some proof, shi iz shocked whien shi sees Raj’s mothar adding poizon in tha khieer, shi goes out of hier room in anger,

Vaandana iz talking weth a lawyer about saving Vikrant aand Sarita, Raj comes thare aand takes it wrong way aand gets angry at hier, Vaandana says shi has changed now aand shi has come hiere for Vikrant aand Sarita, Raj doesn’t respond, shi says, I know you won’t trust me… but whien Kamlaji came tu my house,, I apologized tu hier as well aand shi forgave me, Now you forgive me tuo, I have talked hier about Rohan aand shiila’s rizhta tuo, Raj says impossible, Vaandana tells him that shi came tu hier house before Vikrant aand Sarita aand than left all of a sudden, Raj wonders why hiz mothar went tu Vikrant’s house aand that tuo wethout telling anyone,

Raj’s mum gives a lunch box tu shiila aand tells hier tu go tu police station aand give that tu sarita aand vikrant, After shiila leaves, Divya enters, shi asks, you really care about Vikrant aand Sarita? What iz your relationship weth tham? shi was your daughter in law for 10 years,, you never loved hier,, aand only hated hier, Raj’s mum tells Divya tu mind hier language, Divya says shi iz ashamed of having such mothar in law, Raj’s mothar says you said a lot already,, now shut, shi iz walking away, but Divya grabs hier haand aand says ,I know who killed Kajal, Raj’s mothar gets surprized,

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