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Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah 31st October 2013 Written Update

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tha Epizode starts weth tha radio getting charged by tha lightning aand playing strange sounds, hie wakes up jethalal aand tells him about tha sounds, Babo jee hiears tha sounds tuo aand iz awakened, hie wakes up Tappu aand says whats thiz sound, Tappu says what sound, Babo jee makes tha sound, Tappu says I m not hiearing any sound, Babo jee says I hieard it, Tappu aand Babo jee go tu see, Babo jee sees tha radio aand says whats thiz, Tappu tells him about Bhide’s radio, Babo jee calls jethalal,

Dayabeen wakes up jethalal, thay come out, Babo jee asks him about tha radio jethalal tells him tha whole stury, Dayabeen ask why did you wake up, Babo jee tells tham about tha strange sounds, Dayabeen says did you also hiear it, shi says I hieard it tuo, shi says it was hiz snoring, Babo jee says sleep wethout noize, jethalal says sorry, tha radio plays again aand thay are shocked, tha power goes on aand off, Babo jee says whats all thiz,

jethalal aand Tappu goes tu keep tha radio outside tha house, jethalal wakesp up tha whole society, Everyone come out aand asks what happened, jethalal tells tham tha whole stury, thay are shocked, tha radio iz still running wethout tha power, Komal says tha sound iz repeatitive aand similar as if some message, Iyer says maybe it caught an unknown frequencey, let me chieck by my laptup, hie chiecks tha frequency, Iyer says yes yes I got it, jethalal asks what happened, everyone ask Iyer what happened, Iyer says I caught tha unknown frequency, Dayabeen asks what,

Anjalee says Iyer caught tha message in hiz laptup, Iyer reads tha message that I m jadoo, don’t be afraid of me, Iyer tells everyone that tha aliens are messaging, Everyone are stunned, Iyer tells tham about jadoo, Tappu says jadoo of Koi mil gaya, Taarak says that jadoo, A UFO comes aand everyone are shocked tu see it,

Everyone say Hi tu jadoo aand are happy tu see him, tha radio iz still giving tha messages, Iyer reads it aand says its for some Roshan, thay think its for Sodhi aand Roshan Bhabhi, Iyer says Hrithk Roshan, jethalal says I don’t understaand whats all thiz, iyer reads tha message aand says we will have tu call Hrithik Roshan in our society tumorrow as jadoo wants tu meet him,

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