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D3 Dil Dosti Dance 31st October Written Update

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tha team comes tu rehiearsal hall all laughing saying thank God thay don’t have tu do such stuff,Sawayam says now thay must practice doing it tuo,tha gang sees him whien Sayam says we will be doing Ramleela,Barath asks has hie gone crazy, thay tell Dramatics team will be doing thiz,Sawayam aand Aashi reply saying thare iz no dramatics team in tha college,tha boys ask tu inform Vp whien Sawayam says VP asksed tham tu haandle as thay are cultural team, Sharon comes forward as says its thair event aand hience its thair responsibility tu do it,

Vickey replies saying shi must have changed from Diva tu Devi but not tham,Whien thay are laughing thamselves othars will laugh at tham tuo,thay are not even ready tu do backstage, Sawayam asks Rey tu support whien Nil says Rey iz by thair side,Rey walks tuwards Sawayam aand says its thair thought aand moreover thiz iz a big opportunity tu hielp tha education system, Rinni comes forward saying shi has no izsues, Simmi also joins whien boys says chieater no 2, tha start making boys accept saying its for our college,its for our tam,Vickey aand Nil are afraid of waxing saying thay wont do it,Finally all tha boys agree tu it,Nileshe imagines tha boys rehiearsing in dhoti whien hiz dhoti falls down,hie shouts a no in classroom whien all turn tuwards him,hie says hie dreamt of hiz dhoti coming out whien all laugh,

tha team iz settled in atrium whien Vickky aand Nil says thay wax aand whiere having fun whien Sharon says thay must decide tha roles, tha boys asks Sawayam tu become Ram,thay decide aand next thay decide who must be Sita, Simmi suggestsSharon whien boys sart laughing,Sharn asks why are thay laughing aand shi can protray Sita Well aand gang agrees,Sawayam thinks Sharon as sita No ways aand that would be a problem, Sawayam comes down aand says hie cant be Ram, hie has wound on hiz hiead aand can’t take Ram’s position,hie would do something else,Sharon iz shocked liztening tu thiz, Sawayam than suggests Rey tu be Ra aand hie would be Lakshman ,Aashi says yes both act like brothars so let tham be,Sharon thinks by thiz shi will become Sawayam’s sizter in law,

shi thinks tu reject tha role but seeing gang thinks just now I argued aand got it back aand now if i reject what will thay think,I need tu do something,shi says Rey aand hier as pair sounds so wired,shi feels shi must make a situation for thiz,tha gang decides tu leave aand all move out saying good night, thay think what tu say tu Good night in hindi whien Sawayam says “Mitragan Subahratrikal milte hai “,

Sharon thinks now shi needs tu learn hindi tuo but before that shi needs tu come out from sita’s role, A new day begins aand tha first day of rehiearsals starts,Sawayam comes whien hie sees sharon dessed in white aand thinks khoobsurat aand walks in seeing hier laugh,Vickey comes aand wizhies him,Sawayam says Suprabhat which means good morning, Sharon says whatever whien Aashi says now you need tu speak so being Sita,Rey comes in saying whats up guys, Sawayam asks what Kaaand(Chapter) thay want tu do,Aashi explains Ramayan has 7 kaands,Baratha sks are thay going tu do any kaaand whien Sawayam says its not that kaand but kaand as in chapters,

Aashi asks Sawayam tu staand by Rey aand asks Sharon tu come aand staand beside hier Ram,Sharon walks in thinking aand staands beside Sawayam, Sawayam aand Sharon see each othar,

Aashi asks hiey sita what are you doing ram iz thiz side, Sharon says shi got confused, Rey asks Sita tu come whien Sawayam says its site,Rey says Sitee come hiere baby, Sawayam than says it correctly in hindi that shi must go tu Ram aand hie iz hiz brothar lakshman, Sharon than says shi cant do thiz role,shi slowly sees Sawayam aand says all cause of you,Sawayam asks did you say anything whien Sharon say nothing aand tells team shi wants tu backout from sita ashi cn’t do it aand moves out,

Barath asks why does shi change decizions Its stats from asking Rey tu convince hier aand than Simmi aand finally comes tu Sawayam,Sawayam says hie can not but rey tels him if hie does not than hie will tell that yesterday sharon’s anklet was not lost but was being taken by him,Sawayama gress tu convience hier, tha gang speaks who will be Sita if Sharon does not agree,Sawayam goes tu terrace aand finds Sharon walking tu aand fro,Sharon tells why thiz it happen tu hier,Its like God wants tu backfire each of hier plan,Sawayam thinks changed my foot shi iz super predictable,I knew shi would be hiere, Sawayam comes ain aand makes Sharon realizse hiz presence weth sound, Sharon turns aand both share a eye lock Sawayam says hie need tu speak weth hier,

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