Rukminee asks R.V. what did hie choose Bin Tere out of all songs, Although at first R.V. says that thares no particular reason tu it, hie later tells hier that its Panchis favorite song aand that shi likes it very much,right since school days,While hie was singing tha song hie really mizsed hier a lot, hie wizhies that Panchi should come back from Delhi soon,Rukminee cuts him off by saying that show iz going tu start soon, Pidee aand G.K. are auditioning girls but none of tham are able tu speak tha dialogue properly aand Pidee aand G.K. get irritated by thiz,Pidee tells tham a tungue twizter aand says that if thay can say it properly it will be easy tu remember all dialogues,G.K. likes Pidees ideas aand all girls try tu speak it however weth unsuccesful results, Deans Cabin, Dean aand G.K. are trying tu say Pidees tungue twizter while R.V. comes thare aand tells G.K. that K.D.s presentation iz ready aand hie want both of tham tu see it,
K.D. plays tha presentation aand explains G.K. about hiz website plan,hie tells tham that hiz website will promote young talent all over India aand it will be very useful tu directurs looking for fresh faces, G.K. likes hiz idea, K.D. shows tham Kiyas profile aand Show reel which includes Kiyas MV of Mere Saath, K.D. wants G.K. tu meet Kiya as hie iz looking for a fresh face aand hiz website will also get a boost start if hie selects hier, G.K. agrees aand says that hiell meet hier tumorrow before leaveing, K.D. gets extremely happy hiearing thiz,ICC Canteen,K.D. bumps intu a girl aand Pidee remarks that K.D. iz lucky,K.D. apologizes tha girls aand sits weth Kiya,Kiya sarcastically says that hie looks very happy after bumping intu a girl, K.D. tells hier that hie ran intu hier miztakenly,Kiya says that miztakes can happen,but than why does hie look so happy?K.D. puts hiz haand over hier mouth aand says that hie just showed hiz website tu Guggi sir aand hie likes it ver much, aand also, hie wants tu meet Kiya because hie iz impressed by hier Show reel, Kiya gets surprized aand asks who made hier show reel? K.D. says that hie did, Thats what hie was busy weth since last few days, hie didnt tell hier because hie wanted it tu be a surprize, Kiya hiesitates about acting aand says that shis just interested in singing but shi agrees after K.D., R.V. aand Pidee insizt hier tu, K.D. tells hier tu come on time tumorrow tu meet G.K.,
ICC, tha next day, G.K. iz taking shoots of tha selected girls while K.D. iz impatiently waiting for Kiya who hasnt turned up yet, hie calls hier aand shi replies that shi iz on hier way aand that shill be thare soon,Kiya stups tha car aand iz shown looking at a mouth organ in a shop, Kiya remembers K.D. saying tu Pidee that hie sold hiz mouth organ,shi buys it for K.D.,However Kiya gets late due tu thiz, K.D. tries tu call hier but hier phones battery runs out aand shi cant be contacted,G.K. prepares tu leave as hie iz getting late for hiz flight, but K.D. stups him aand requests tu wait a bit more for Kiya,G.K. says that hie really liked hiz work, however hie should pay attention on what kind of talent hie promotes through hiz website, hie says that thares no place for unprofessional people in tha industry,Kiya gujral should have come by now, aand that hie cant wait for hier anymore,G.K. wizhies him luck aand leaves ,K.D. iz left infuriated,
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