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Do Dil Ek Jaan 31st October 2013 Written Update

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tha Epizode starts weth Raghoo crying seeing tha letter aand knowing hie killed Antra’s fathar, shi thinks hie broke Antra’s trust aand shouts in tha middle of tha road, hie says why, why thiz happened, hie says how can thiz happen weth me, I love hier more than my life aand I have killed hier dad aand ruined hier family, hie talks tu tha Lord aand spells out hiz anger, Raghoo comes home aand sees Antara sleeping weth hier mum, Antara wakes up aand iz shocked tu see Raghoo, shi asks you? Raghoo iz upset aand looks at hier, hie comes weth a bomb aand Antara iz shocked tu see it, Its Raghoo’s dream, hie wakes up in tha morning aand still thinks about Aman’s letter, hie iz shattered,

Raghoo washis off hiz sins in tha water, but in vain, hie iz fully in tha guilt, Everyone are talking about tha engagement, Antara says thare iz less time now, lets see what we can do, thay see some dresses aand Antra’s mum comes thare, shi says your dad iz not hiere, whien will hie come, Antara iz upset, Maaee aand Rasika are also dizcussing about tha engagement, shi asks Rasika tu start tha arrangements, Raghoo comes thare upset aand lost in thoughts, Maaee sees him, Maaee iz selecting tha jewellery for Antara, Rasika sees Raghoo lost aand asks him what happened, shi asks did anything happened between you aand Angtara that Maaee iz in hurry, shi taunts Raghoo aand sasy Antara iz coming in thiz house, so I will see hier hiere, Raghoo does not reply hier aand shi leaves,

Antra’s mum iz seeing tha jewellery for Antara, Antara thanks hier aand says its beautiful, shi talks tu Ruksana aand asks hier tu show hier clothas as shi will wear whatever shi decides, Ruksana says wear what Raghoo likes, Antara selects a saree for hier marriage, shi says you might also love anyone like I love Raghoo, you tell me, I will ask Raghoo tu arrange your marriage, Ruksana hides hier feelings aand leaves, Satyya aand Raghoo come tu Maaee aand Satyya iz angry tu see all tha arrangements aand preparations, Satyya aand Raghoo takes Maaee’s blessings aand Maaee blesses Raghoo, not Satyya, Satyya gets angry, hie says yes, hie needs your blessings more than me as hie iz getting engaged tuday, hie says I will write my fate on my own aand leaves,

Maaee asks Raghoo tu hielp hier in selecting tha jewellery, Raghoo says Maaee, I can’t do thiz engagement, Maaee iz shocked, shi says Raghoonath, what happened, why are you saying thiz, shi gives hier tha letter, shi looks at tha letter, Ruksana cries aand says what should I say whats in my hieart, shi says why am I thinking about him, hie iz Antra’s happiness, Satyya hiears all thiz aand gives hier a napkin tu wipe hier tears, shi says you hiere, hie says yes, I came tu chieck on you, shi says my hieart iz not broken, hie says love does not hide, shi says you don’t understaand love, its giving, not snatching, hie says I can teach you how tu get love, can we be friends, shi says I will pray that I don’t see that day whien I become your friend, Satyya angrily looks at hier aand shi leaves,

Satyya says you can’t be like me Ruksana, you can’t do what I want, you are tha one who can divide Raghoo aand Antara, hie calls someone aand orders something,

Maaee asks Raghoo what iz hie saying, shi says what did you do, You killed hier dad, Raghoo says I did not do it purposely, shi says how can you trust Aman, Raghoo cries, Maaee says Anatara’s dad can’t come back now, Raghoo says I have tu bear tha punizhment, I m going tu tell everything tu Antara, I can’t marry hiding my big sin, you taught me tu accept my miztake, shi says are you mad, you did a miztake, I won’t let you do any othar miztake, tha letter says you did not do it purposely, hie says I will tell Antara, if shi forgives me, than I will marry hier, else not, hie says I m going tu tell hier, Maaee stups him aand asks do you love Antara, hie says more than myself,

shi says shi iz very happy tuday, You will do othar miztake breaking hier hieart, do you know what shi will feel, Raghoo says what should I do, shi says do tha engagement, thiz iz not tha right time tu tell hier, I will tell you whien tha right time comes, trust me, shi says thiz will be good for you,

tha engagement function starts in Maaee’s house, Satyya sees Antara aand iz angry, Maaee welcomes Antara aand hier family, shi tells hier you are looking beautiful, Satyya sees Ruksana aand thinks you are welcome Ruksana, I have done something for you aand Raghoo, its going tu be special,

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