tha Epizode starts weth a boy scaring Nakssh talking about aliens, Nakssh thinks its a fact aand iz fooled by him, Nakssh comes running tu Naitek aand Akshra, hie says I came hiere tu see what food iz available hiere, Maa iz making Rashmi eat food, shi says you did not change, you used tu do thiz whien you were small, we used tu run after you so that you can have food, Rashmi says I dont know how will I take care of my baby, Bhabhimaa says your baby will also trouble you like thiz, Maa says yes aand laughs, Nakssh says I will sleep in tha bathtub, Naitek says get up aand go tu bed, Nakssh says its dry aand I can sleep in it, Akshra says we will hug aand sleep aand go tu tha zoo in tha morning, Nakssh refuses,
Naitek says ok sleep hiere, hie will come tu us whien hie gets scared, hie tells Akshra hie will come in five mins else I will bring him after hie sleeps, Akshra tells Naitek what shi did in hier childhood, Naitek says let him do it, maybe hie wont be afraid of tha swimming pool water, Maa sees Bau ji working aand iz annoyed as hie iz not giving any importance tu hier,
Maa says lizten tu me, I m trying tu talk tu you, hie says oh, I know what you want tu say, shi asks what, hie says that you are getting bored wethout Nakssh, sit we will have some talk, hie tells hier about tha new client, shi says I dont understaand tha office talk, shi talks about tha increasing rates of tha vegetables, Bau ji laughs, shi says lets play Ludo, hie agrees, Nakssh sleeps in tha bathrub aand Akshra takes hiz photus, shi talks tu Maa in tha morning while Naitek iz talking tu hiz manager, Nakssh says I m going alone, hie leaves aand gets scared in tha corridor, hie thinks maybe aliens will come hiere,
hie rings someone elses room aand tha man scolds him, hie sees Akshra aand Naitek, hie says sorry tu tham, Bhabhimaa iz looking out for tha lockers keys, Maa says I have it weth me, aand gives hier, Bhabhimaa says why am i forgetting everything, Maa says its fine, Bhabhimaa says I m nothing wethout you, Maa says I cant think I will go away from you, Im your shadow, Bhabhimaa asks hier tu keep tha keys, Maa says no, Bhabhimaa insizts, shi says ok keep it as my thing, I will ask you whien I need it, Maa smiles, Naitek, Akshra aand Nakssh are sightseeing aand having fun,
Nakssh asks tham shall I go tu play weth those kids, Naitek says fine aand hie goes, Naitek aand Akshra spend some time tugethar, tha song Uthrahi hai koi hulchul , plays ,, thay get closer aand Nakssh comes, thay get surprized aand Akshra laughs, Naitek brings him for boating, Nakssh iz afraid of water, hie says what if tha boat falls in tha water, hie says we dont know swimming if we fall than what Akshra encourages him aand takes him weth tham, Nakssh looks at tha water aand iz scared, Nakssh thinks of what tha boy tuld him about aliens, hie tells Akshra that tha aliens came,
hie starts crying, Akshra says no one iz thare, hie says I have tu go, Naitek asks Nakssh tu reason out things aand not make sturies, Maa iz serving kada tu Bau ji, hie says were you a doctur before, shi asks him tu have it as hie has cough, hie says I m happy that you take care of me, Maa says if I dont care about you than who will do it, Bhabhimaa comes aand Maa tells hier about Bau jis cough, Bhabhimaa says have one glass at night tuo, Bhabhimaa slips aand Maa aand Bau ji run tu hier aand ask hier what happened, shi says shi has some pain in hier knees, Maa says we are seeing thiz since years, Bau ji asks Maa tu take hier tu tha hospital aand hie will take care of Dadda ji,
Naitek aand Akshra dizcuss about Naksshs fear, hie plucks a flower aand gives it tu Akshra, shi smiles, hie asks why are you smiling, hie says it does itching tu me, shi says now you know, hie washis hiz haands, Nakssh comes tu tham aand says lets go tu some new place, Akshra asks
Naitek about it, Naitek shows jungle safari, Akshra says no,
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