Keeya comes running tu K.D. aand apologizes for coming late, However,K.D. gets up aand turns tu leave but shi says sorry again, K.D. gets extremely angry aand shouts at hier for coming late even though shi knew it was an important day for hiz aand hier career,hie says that hie cant understaand why shi iz so irresponsible tuwards hier career,hie also says that shi acts like everything revolves around him, hie tries tu leave again , but Keeya stups him aand says that shi didnt even want tu apply for tha fresh face aand K.D. didnt even ask hier before suggesting hier name,shi did thiz only because shi cares for him,0 shi agrees that K.D. means more tu hier than hier career,shi also tells him that shi bought a mouth organ for him just because shi thought itll bring a smile on hiz face,
K.D. says that thiz iz wrong shi should concentrate on hier career,its not like shi iz going tu succeed in hier life by just running behind him all day, hie tells hier tu get serious about hier career aand give him some breathing space,Keeya iz hurt hiearing that, At Keeyas home, Mrs,G scolds hier for spending hier pocket money recklessly,shi asks hier why shi bought a PS3 aand mouth organ, Anya cuts in aand says that it must be for hier boyfriend aand hiz little brothar, Keeya argues that Mr,G never says a word tu Anya even if shi does tha same, Mrs,G says that its because Anya earns hier own money,shi tells hier that shis blocking hier credit card aand leaves from thare, Keeya gets upset aand thinks about hier moms aand K.D.s words,
ICC, Pidee gets punizhied by Dean for saying that thiz diwali hie will do setting weth a patakha >_< (It was a pretty long scene but I am skipping it in WU as it was just fillerizh ), RV iz in tha Radio rooom, crossing out days on calender since Panchi went tu Delhi, K.D. walks in aand RV closes tha diary hiesitantly, K.D. notices thiz aand picks up hiz diary, RV begins saying that hie was just chiecking whien Diwali iz, K.D. asks why hie iz justifying himself whien hie didn’t even ask him anything? hie adds that it’s been 10 days since Panchi left,Keeya iz thinking about hier fight weth K.D. yesterday aand shi bumps intu K.D., K.D. says sorry aand Keeya replies him that why iz hie saying sorry whien whatever Keshav Desai says it always right, K.D. says that hie said sorry just because hie ran intu hier, Keeya says it’s okay , K.D. says that nothing iz ever okay weth hier, Keeya adds that tha “its okay” was just because K.D. ran intu hier aand said sorry, thay both leave,
K.D. tells RV aand Keeya tells Rukmini about thair fight, K.D. says that hie iz right aand Keeya must pay attention tuwards hier career, Keeya tells Rukmini that shi was talking about emotions aand feeling but K.D. was just saying about career,shi even bought a mouth organ for him but hie doesn’t care,Later, RV aand Rukmini meet at tha canteen aand talk about Kizha, Rukmini says that Keeya iz right while Rv says K.D. iz aand thay start fighting over thiz, However thay realize thiz aand smile at each othar wondering why are thay fighting , Rv says that Rukmani should smile like thiz forever,,,hie aska hier tu promize that shi will always smile, Rukmini says that shi promizes so, but RV has tu promize that hie’ll keep smiling tuo,
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