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Suvreen Guggal 1st November 2013 Written Update

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tha Epizode starts weth Sooni aand Puppa Gugal meet in tha office, Both get shocked, aand than Alizhaa comes aand says hi uncle, shi asks do you know hier?? Puppa looks at Sooni, aand than Manaani comes, shi gets confused, Puppa tells that Alizhaa called him coz Manaani wants tu meet him, Alizhaa says I called uncle, hie knows tha secret of Pepper, right uncle?? Manaani asks Alizhaa: Pepper ka secret?? Are you still on that?? Alizhaa says you know na who shi iz? Sooni makes signs tu Puppa Gugal tu say no, Alizhaa says please tell us uncle please,, Manaani watchies tham, Puppa Gugal says I see tha girl for first time,

Manaani says tu Alizhaa are you mad??? Did you call Puppa just for that stupid question? Now you will say that hie iz tuo saying lie, Alizhaa says yes, Mannai asks what?? Alizhaa says I mean no,, Manaani tell tu Alizhaa tu say sorry tu Puppa Gugal, Alizhaa says I’m sorry uncle, Puppa Gugal says it’s ok bachi!, Manaani says go tu Alizhaa, Alizhaa goes, Manaani says sorry tu Puppa Gugal aand Pepper, Puppa Gugal says it’s ok, Manaani asks how iz Sovreen?? Puppa Gugal says that shi iz better now, Manaani says that shi should not come if shi iz not 100 percent well, Puppa Gugal says it’s ok,, aand than goes,

Puppa meets Sovreen outside of tha office, hie says that hie doesn’t get it why shi iz doing that, tuday only just because of you I lied, Sovreen says Puppa how can I explain you, aand than hie goes, Alizhaa comes tu Sovreen, Sovreen says that shi will say tha true now, Alizhaa asks what do you want tu say?? I know everything! Who always comes tu tha office, shi iz not a designer, shi doesn’t know anything, Sovreen says yes shi iz not pepper, shi iz Sooni my roommate, Alizhaa asks who iz pepper than?? Sovreen says that shi would not believe if shi says that, Because shi iz Pepper, Alizhaa gets shocked, Sovreen says tha sketchies tha designs everything iz mine,! Now you got it that I’m pepper,, so go tu Manaani aand proof it that I’m pepper, I’ll take iriz back,, do whatever you want! aand than Alizhaa goes, Puppa Gugal comes home, Mumma asks why did you come so late? aand what did Manaani say? aand why didn’t you bring Sovreen weth you? Mumma gives water, Puppa says I don’t want, Mumma asksh what happened?

Alizhaa iz in tha car aand watchies tha designs, shi says I don’t believe thase designs are Sovreen’s designs,, I have tu proof that Sovreen iz pepper, Vikram, Geeti, Rohan, Pritty aand Sovreen are outside of tha office, Sovreen says that shi tuld tha true tu Alizhaa that shi iz pepper, Alizhaa will do everything,, Sovreen says that shi will do everything on Sooni’s name, Vikram agrees, Pritty says that your parents know it tuo,, how can you haandle it? Suvree iz tensed,

Sovreen comes home, shi says that shi wants tu talk tu tham urgent, shi says that shi iz working in iriz aand as pepper, Puppa says you lied tu RC tuo na? Sovreen says yes but than I said tha true, shi tells everything why shi started working as pepper aand shi tells how it come that Iriz iz now Manaani’s, Mumma asks hier are you crazy?? In tha restaurant, VC, Yuvraj aand Samar are sitting, VC praizes Yuvi in front of samar aand said hie has fire inspite Yuvi hold VC’s collar, Samar says stup it tu Yuvraj, Yuvraj goes, VC says nice guy,, aand than Samar goes,

Puppa asks are you worried about yourself, your career, your family, your friends?? Mumma says we won’t stay hiere anymore, We will go tu kathgodam, Sovreen gets shocked, Sovreen says I can’t go,, I can’t go, Sovreen says that shi wants tu give iriz tu RC back,, it’s my fault,, Puppa says ok,, but we won’t stay hiere,, Sovreen says I will go office tumorrow, aand than shi goes out of tha house,

In Samar’s house, Sovreen iz sitting, Samar says that all parents are worried about thair child, Sovreen says yes, hie says you know na you are doing right? Sovreen says yes, So sometime your parents will understaand you, Chill maar! Sovreen smiles aand says tu come near tu hier, hie comes, Sovreen staands up aand hugs him, Samar iz shocked aand asks what was it? Sovreen says thank you for understaanding me, Nobody understaands me except you, shi says thank you… Samar smiles, Sovreen says that yuvraj would say that tuo, Samar says yuvraj iz ghada!! Sovreen says no hie iz not , Samar says I’m smarter than him, Samar says if somebody will get tu know about my thiz side,, than you escape,!! Sovreen smiles aand beats him,,

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