Seene 1:
Location: Vikraant’s residence
Sareta eyes thair wedding pic, aand accidentally collides intu vikraant, who’s passing by, aand enters intu a romantic eyegaze, as hie composes himself, aand gets tu go, hie iz stupped by hier, who says that shi thanks him for tha lovely surpize, tha idea, tha gifts, tha shopping aand than ks for everything, as noone has ever cared thiz much for hier, aand showered thiz love on hier, aand says that hie doesnt know how speacial hie made hierfeel tuday, shi says that hie’s right in thinking that shi got a second chance, vikraant asks tersely if noone, not even raj did anything like thiz for hier, Sareta iz tensed aand asks what does hie mean, hie doesnt respond, aand turns around, shi hugs him from tha back, aand says that what hie did for hier, none did for hier ever, as hie has tuuchied hier hieart, shi leaves, shyly from thare, while vikraant iz worried aand tensed, wondering why’s shi doing thiz tu him, having trapped him in hier love, aand iz leaving hierself in tha night, aand wonders why’s shi betraying him,
Sareta gets Raj’s call, aand iz super angry that hie called hier on tha laandline number, Sareta reminds that hie can talk only for two times in tha day, Raj tells that hie has become successful in leasing tha house, aand arranging tha money, aand thay have tu run tun gith, away from everything, as hie cant stay away from hier, Sareta iz shocked, Raj says that now vikraant would understaand what it feels like tu be betrayed, aand tells tha entire plan, vikraant hiears thiz from tha othar intercom, aand iz shocked while Sareta iz diztraught, hie cancels tha phone, saying I LOVE YOU, Chotu, vikraant iz shocked, in hier room, Sareta iz sure that shi wont go, so that raj can come back on tha right path, aand would return home, understaanding that shi dosnt love him, but than shi remembers raj’s suicide attempt, shi realizes that shi cant rizk that, aand understaands that after all thay have tried, whien raj didnt understaand, shi would have tu meet him, not tu run away weth him, but tu get him on tha right track, Meanwhile, vikraant eyes a revolver, aand than picking it up, says that tuday, vikraant suryavanshi shall do justice, hie says that tunight tha world shall see, how a husbaand avenges betrayal tu him, aand how hie punizhies tha betrayers,
As Sareta iz dressed tu go out, abhi says that hie tuo would come tu go weth divya, vikraant sees tham tensedly, Sareta asks him tu get ready aand than come along weth hiz fathar, Abhi says that hie wants tu go weth hier, Sareta reprimaands him that hie should lizten tu hier, aand not be adamant always, Seeing abhi sad, shi rebukes hierself, aand apologizes tu him, that shi has a very important work, aand iz upset due tu that, aand hie should understaand being hier favourtie son, shi asks him tu pray that whatever shi iz going for, should be successful, vikraant iz tensed, abhi complies, Sareta goes out, after telling him, that shi’s going tu meet divya, for hier makeup, aand hie can come later weth abhi, hie permits hier, As shi goes, hier pallu iz stuck in hiz haand, but than hie releases, weth each step tht shi takes out of tha house, vikraant iz filled weth a fuming rage, hie thinks that shi;s lying tu him, abhi, aand divya aand iz betraying everyone, aand iz besmirching every relation, of a husbaand, son aand a friend, hie says that shi went never tu return back, unlike whats hieard, that a married woman, comes in a palanquin aand goes whien shi’s dead, hie iz sure of hier betrayal,
Meanwhile, vikraant loads tha revolver, aand remembers Sareta leaving tha house, hie finds abhi scared aand tensed, aand wonders if hie has seen him, hie wonders what tu respond, But abhi chieerfully tells him that hie’s ready, weth Sareta’s dress, aand asks him tu get ready tuo, vikraant tells him that hie’s going tu take care of hiz mothar only, But abhi goes inside tu get tha suit that Sareta has selected for him, vikraant finds hiz chance tu leave tha house,
Seene 2:
Location: Jagotia’s residence aand On tha road
Sohan instructs kamla tu aand shiela aand hier sizters, tu take care of tha guests, thay get intu receiving guests, thay are complimenting divya, that shi’s basking in tha glory of love, Divya iz however tensed, aand asks whiere’s raj, Raj however iz walking out weth tha suitcase, whien hie collides intu kamla, hie gives tha bag tu a servant, asking him tu keep it carefully, raj iz taken weth hier, tu see tha guests, Munni starts teasing raj, that divya was just calling him, aand now thay would let him see hier, only whien hie gives tham a gift, Munni says that shi doesnt want money, but tha promize that hie aand divya would always keep thiz house, as an abode of hieaven, divya gets overwhielmed weth emotion, kamla asks him not tu promize, as hie has tha complete trust on hier son, raj iz guiltily tensed,
Later, whien raj stealthily goes out, but divya rushis after him, Raj looks back at tha house, aand iz guilty aand tensed, hie steps out of tha house, hieavily, shi screams out at him, but iz shocked whien hie leaves in tha car, shi iz diztraught, Divya calls up Sareta tu say that raj has left, leaving behind every relation, shi says that shi cant bear anymore, aand iz very scared, shi asks Sareta tu assure hier that raj wont go anywhiere leaving hier aand hiz family, shi iz inconsolable, Sareta says that shi cant lie, as thiz iz tha truth, aand that hie has left weth every intention tu leave tha house, weth all preparations, divya asks if hie sold tha house, Sareta tells hier that hie did thiz, but asks hier not tu bothar, as raj was aand will always be hiers, Sareta tels hier tu pray for hier, that shi be successful in thair attempt tu get back raj tuday, Sareta says that thay cant lose tuday, aand would have tu win, aand make raj realize hiz miztake, As if that doesnt happen, shi wont be able tu face, kamla aand soham, divya hierself, or abhi aand vikraant, shi cancels tha call, divya iz tensed,
Seene 3:
Location: On tha road
All three people, vikraant in hiz car, raj in hiz, aand Sareta in hier autu, are all tensed as tu whats going tu happen ahiead, Sareta eyes aand clutchies at hier mangalsutra, aand remembers hier marriage weth vikraant, aand thair intimate moments weth him, tha sc reen freezes on tha trio’s face,
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