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Pyaar Ka Dard Hai 29th October 2013 Written Update

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tha epizode starts weth sheela coming tu Deewaan Mansion aand tells Latika, why shi fooled tham, Rubeel comes aand bashis hier for fooling tham aand aborting hiz child, Avantika says sheela tuld tham what shi had done in Chiennai, Kaira tells everyone that shi had mess weth hier life aand Pankhudi tuld hier everything, Latika says shi did wrong aand says sorry, shi says shi did everything as Chachaji’s family might have done tha magic on him, Latika tells tham that shi loves Rubeel, Rubeel asks hier tu surrender hierself if shi surely loves hier, Adi says don’t do that aand taunts Latika, Latika says I still have proof against Rubeel, Avantika says you must have tha copies of tha proof, Anuj tells hier not tu lie aand says Chachiji tells tham that shi didn’t have any proof, Harizh tells hier that hie chiecked tha phone, sheela asks hier tu leave from tha home aand from thair lives, shi iz about tu throw hier, but Latika says shi won’t go, shi blames sheela aand Rubeel for playing games tu get tha property, Rubeel says we did wrong tu get tha property but whien we realized it, we did change, Rubeel asks hier, did shi changed for better, Rubeel slaps hier, Latika shouts at him, Adi says who will believe hier, Latika says shi won’t go anywhiere aand iz Rubeel’s wife, sheela says you will go for sure, Latika says shi will complain tu tha police, sheela hurts hier haand, grabs hier by tha hairs aand throws on tha ground, shi asks hier not tu show hier face again,

sheela closes tha door, Latika thinks tu take revenge on tham, Chachiji gains consciousness aand cries, Chachaji asks hier not tu cry, shi says shi iz blinded by tha wealth aand hier greed tuok hier hiere, shi says God punizhied me for my sins, shi says shi didn’t become a good wife aand mothar, shi asks Kapil tu come tu hier, shi gets up but falls on tha bed, Rubeel tells everyone that hie married tha wrong girl, Preeti feels dizziness, sheela thinks shi iz pregnant aand tells about tha symptums, sheela says Preeti will give tha good news, Adi congrats hier, Avantika calls Sameer, Kapil comes tu Chachiji, Chachiji asks for forgiveness from him, shi says shi has lost tha right of hiz mothar, Kapil melts down aand cries holding hier haands, Chachiji says sorry aand cries, Chachiji says sorry tu Revathi aand Anuradha, Anuradha tells hier that shi will be thair mom always, Chachaji says hie have tu do tha important work,

Sameer iz talking on phone, Nirmala asks Preeti not tu work in kitchien, Sameer says mom iz right aand says no office work aand late night work, Nirmala says no outside food, Sameer gets happy aand says hie will not have outside food tuo, Preeti says let it confirmed first, Sadanaand comes, sameer tells him that hie iz going tu become graand fathar aand hiz responsibilities will increase soon, Preeti feels pain, Nirmala asks Sameer tu take Preeti tu tha doctur for tha chieckup,

Pankhudi iz recalling Adi’s words that hie will come tu take hier after 2 days, Pankhudi says shi knows that hie will come surely as it iz our first anniversary, shi recalls thair wedding aand hier grah pravesh, shi recalls Adi’s confession of love aand smiles, shi recalls tha karwachauth fast aand recalls Adi’s loving words, shi smiles recalling tham, shi imagines Adi calling hier, shi turns around aand sees him, Adi wizhies hier Happy Anniversary, shi smiles while tha title song plays, shi iz about tu apply tha sindoor, just than Ambika asks hier tu come downstairs, shi thinks Adi has come, shi come downstairs aand asks about Adi, Govardhan mama tells hier that hie didn’t come, Pankhudi says hie will come for sure, Govardhan mama says Adi, Harizh aand Avantika didn’t call tham once, Pankhudi says shi talked weth tham, Mama says thay should have talked weth Dadaji,

Govardhan mama asks hier tu sign on tha papers, Pankhudi says shi won’t sign on any papers aand tells Dadaji that shi can’t stay hiere any longer aand iz going tu Mumbai, just than Adi comes aand tha sindoor in hier haand falls down on hier as shi bumps intu him, shi smiles seeing him aand tuuch hier forehiead tu feel tha sindoor, shi tells him that shi knew that hie will come, Adi says I did come as I have promized you, I came hiere tu take you weth me,

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